Many of these articles have been gleened from the Internet by doing a Google search. I would like to suggest that you join some Forums, and I would place the Trainz Forum as the best, and I cannot think of any better group of people to ask for help from. Another very good Forum to join is the TPR Forum, where you will find lots of good reading. |
I want to add my custom trainz content for 2004 to my automated backup utility but I'm not sure where the data is stored. In Trainz 2004: You will only want to save your trainz options/settings file if you've modified it [and there are a few changes you can make (see further down)]:
"C:\program files\auran\TRS2004\Trainzoptions.txt" file. TRAINZ can have a nasty habit of 'carking' itself, and it is a pain in the *!! to have to download everything from the DLS again even if you do have a first class ticket. So if you are saving your downloads manually or with FTP to a 'Downloads Folder' then add this to your backup also, Much easier if you have it all on a few CDs or better still on an external hard drive.
Track Laying and Troubleshooting, a Tutorial For New Train Simulator Surveyors. You can download this TOP LINE tutorial at It is about 83 pages long & about 2.25 mb & covers the following: Part 1 - Working With Track and Switches
I have just bought a new computer. I have installed TRS2004 and SP4, and now I need to transfer my layouts and downloads from my old computer. I need to know which files and folders should be copied into my new computer. You need to copy the "World" folder from the TRS directory, usually "c:/program files/auran/trs2004/".
Replacing an Object eg, One track, in Trainz Objectz with another. Take a backup copy of the layout before experimenting, just in case. Apologies if that's obvious. 1 - Under the Maps tab, choose the route from the drop down box. Right click on an item you want removed. Select replace object. Click OK then press F8 to replace the object with a nonexisting kuid. Do this for all objects you want deleted. Exit TO and then bring up the map in surveyor. You will get the black screen for missing assets. Just load the map anyway then in the surveyor menu select delete missing assets and everything you replaced in the map using TO will be gone. ... as long as you remember to delete the chump file before exiting TO!
These are non standard tunnels which can be set out at
any angle to the baseboard grid and have no restrictions
on the placement of spline points. It is therefore possible
to use them in a more prototypical manner than is
possible with the default tunnels.
As a bonus the kit includes components which allow the
formation of junctions in the tunnels themselves.
The kit contains four different single and double track
tunnel profiles together with associated portals walls and
utilities. Track spacing follows UK standards. You find it here
These are not in any order of preference, eMail address' and web sites may change at any time. Adri v.d.S. --- [email protected] ---,
I want to add my custom trainz content for 2004/2006/TC to my automated backup.
There are three files you need to backup:
"C:\program files\auran\TRS2004\World\Custom\Maps" folder and the
"C:\program files\auran\TRS2004\World\Dispacher\Downloads" folder.
Track Laying and Troubleshooting - A Tutorial For New Train Simulator Surveyors
Updated January 13th, 2008
Every track section has a direction
Parallel tracks
Splines and switch levers
Using signals with switches
Editing your track may be a source of trouble
Troubleshooting track problems
Part 2 – Making Your Turnouts Look Nice
Doing it on the level
Using the vertex height tool
Dealing with turnouts on a grade
Part 3 - Controlling Train Speed Through a Switch
A great solution to the problem
Programming the ISS
Using the ISS in a multiple switch junction
Part 4 - An Introduction to Signaling
Signal aspects
Basic signals
The ‘02’ signals
The ‘02’ caveat
The ‘01’ and the ‘03’ signals
Installing and testing signals
Signaling with diverging routes
Part 5 - Working with signals
Cornfield Meets
Dealing with AI issues
Working with signal blocks
Part 6 – Case Studies in AI Train Operations
Operating multiple AI trains is a challenge
Case 1 – Multitrack portals
Case 2 – The industrial area
Part 7 – Miscellaneous Topics
Installing bridges
Leveling industries and grade crossings
There are also about 10 pages on Portals
I need to transfer my layouts and downloads from my old computer.
And then delete the "world/cache/dispatcher.chump" file from the new install on your new computer, this will be remade when you open 2004 for the first time.
Replacing an Object using Trainz Objectz.
2 - Find the track and right click, there is an option for replacing the item chosen.
3 - When you choose to replace, TO will change the lists to the corresponding type then tell you to choose the new item and hit F7.
4 - Go to either the Custom or Built-in tab for what you want, find the new item and select then hit F7. It will take a bit but it will replace the item.
You can also replace track on things like crossings that use certain track and don't change when joining track, you just have to know what track to look for. If a crossing uses 1-track wood and nothing else in the route does, find 1-track wood and mass replace it.
Each time you replace things this way, TO auto-creates a backup copy. However, if one already exists it may get overidden by a new backup so either move the first backup somewhere or plan ahead and do all your replacements at once.
You can replace anything this way, ground textures, vehicles, etc. Just be careful about things like industries with attached track since no two usually are the same, OR
AJS Tunnel Kit - PDF Tutorial
Right Click and 'Save Target As' to download this file.
List of Trainz Content Authors.
NAME (username) --- eMail Address --- Site Address,
agentorange ---,
Alan Thomson --- [email protected],
Alberto Zato --- [email protected] --- ,
Ben Neal --- [email protected] ---,
Charlie Lear (cjlear) --- [email protected] ---,
Chris Hucklebridge (psycho_aussie) --- [email protected] ---,
Christian Steurer (Threeheadedmonkey) --- cs@virtual motive,,
CloakedGhost275 --- [email protected] ----,
Daemondex --- E-Mail: [email protected],,
David Drake --- [email protected] ---,
Eric R Zadro --- [email protected] ---,
Ian Manion (Vulcan) --- [email protected] ---,
Jan Valkenburg --- [email protected] ---,
Jeff Barr --- [email protected] ---,
Josef Pav --- [email protected] ---,
JoshEH --- [email protected] ---,
Kevin Yutz --- [email protected] ---,
Lawrence Kellie --- [email protected] ---,
Lothar Hake --- [email protected] ---,
Mago de Oz --- [email protected] ---,
meridious --- [email protected] ---,
michael Irrgang --- E-Mail: [email protected],,
Mike Banfield --- [email protected] ---,
P.Pardoe, Matthews
Pencil42 --- [email protected] ---,
Peter Cook --- [email protected] ---,
Petr Å teler --- [email protected] ---,
Ricky Sykes --- [email protected] ---,
Sarasota --- [email protected] ---,
Shane Permann --- [email protected] ---,
TC --- psx [email protected] ---,
Todd W. Hohlenkamp --- [email protected] ---,
Tom Cowan/Kyle Calvert/Euphod
(Edward W. Wells) ---,,,
Torsten --- E-Mail: [email protected] ---,,
Tyler Bishop (flamerail) --- [email protected] ---,
Wiley --- [email protected] ---,
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